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Gregory R. Duffee
Johns Hopkins University -- Economics Department Professor of Economics 463 Mergenthaler Hall 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, Md. 21218 USA - Harvard University, Ph. D. (Economics) (1989)
- Extensive experience as an economist for the Federal Reserve System.
- Credit risk (theoretical and empirical), the term structure of interest rates (especially affine models), derivative instruments
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Publications: that are posted on DefaultRisk.com Credit Pricing Estimating the price of default risk by Gregory R. Duffee of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (284K PDF) -- 30 pages -- Spring 1999 Treasury yields and corporate bond yield spreads: An empirical analysis by Gregory R. Duffee of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (519K PDF) -- 35 pages -- May 1996 Duffee, Gregory R., " The Relation Between Treasury Yields and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads", Journal of Finance, Vol. 53, No. 6, (December 1998), pp. 2225-2241. Credit Modeling Duffee Gregory R., " On Measuring Credit Risks of Derivative Instruments", Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 20, No. 5, (June 1996), pp. 805-833. Credit Derivatives Credit Derivatives in Banking: Useful Tools for Loan Risk Management? by Gregory R. Duffee of the University of California, Berkeley, and Chunsheng Zhou of the University of California at Riverside (227K PDF) -- 30 pages -- August 2001 [Home] [Credit Researchers] [Top Ten Most Prolific]