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Damiano Brigo1st Most Prolific Credit Author in DefaultRisk.com 5th Most Popular Author in DefaultRisk.com
Imperial College -- Department of Mathematics 180 Queen's Gate London WC2R 2LS UK -and- Capco 9 Appold Street London EC2A 2AP UK - Free University of Amsterdam, Ph. D. (Stochastic Systems and Nonlinear Filtering Theory) (1996)
- In 2010, Prof. Brigo was appointed as Gilbart Chair of Financial Mathematics at King's College, London. In 2007, he joined London-based Fitch Ratings as Managing Director and served as Global Head of the Quantitative Structured Credit Innovation and lead the FitchSolutions Quantitative Research department.
- Prof. Brigo is a managing editor of the International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance.
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Publications: that are posted on DefaultRisk.com Credit Pricing Efficient Pricing of Default Risk: Different approaches for a single goal by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Massimo Morini of the University of Milan Bicocca (99K PDF) -- 10 pages -- 2005 Credit Modeling Pricing Counterparty Risk Including Collateralization, Netting Rules, Re-Hypothecation and Wrong-Way Risk by Damiano Brigo of Imperial College London, Agostino Capponi of Purdue University, Andrea Pallavicini of Imperial College London, and Vasileios Papatheodorou of Barclays Capital (659K PDF) -- 39 pages -- March 2013 Credit Calibration with Structural Models: The Lehman case and equity swaps under counterparty risk by Damiano Brigo of Imperial College & Fitch Solutions, Massimo Morini of Banca IMI, and Marco Tarenghi of Banca Leonardo (238K PDF) -- 21 pages -- December 22, 2009 Counterparty Risk and Contingent CDS Valuation Under Correlation Between Interest-Rates and Default by Damiano Brigo of FitchSolutions & Imperial College, London, and Andrea Pallavicini of Banca Leonardo (201K PDF) -- 19 pages -- March 26, 2008 Cluster-based Extension of the Generalized Poisson Loss Dynamics and Consistency with Single Names by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI,and Roberto Torresetti of Banca IMI (313K PDF) -- 35 pages -- January 12, 2007 Credit Derivatives Restructuring Counterparty Credit Risk by Claudio Albanese of Global Valuation, Ltd, London, Damiano Brigo of King's College, London, and Frank Oertel of Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) (566K PDF) -- 27 pages -- March 2013 Illustrating a problem in the self-financing condition in two 2010-2011 papers on funding, collateral and discounting by Damiano Brigo of King's College London, Cristin Buescu of King's College London, Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI, and Qing Liu of King's College London (119K PDF) -- 8 pages -- July 17, 2012 Funding Valuation Adjustment: A consistent framework including CVA, DVA, collateral, netting rules and re-hypothecation by Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI, Milan, Daniele Perini of Mediobanca, Milan, and Damiano Brigo of King's College, London (260K PDF) -- 23 pages -- December 12, 2011 Impact of the First to Default Time on Bilateral CVA by Damiano Brigo of the King's College, London, Cristin Buescu of the King's College, London, and Massimo Morini of the Banca IMI & Bocconi University, Milan (204K PDF) -- 14 pages -- June 20, 2011 Dangers of Bilateral Counterparty Risk: The fundamental impact of closeout conventions by Damiano Brigo of the King's College, London, and Massimo Morini of the Banca IMI (561K PDF) -- 24 pages -- November 16, 2010 Bilateral Counterparty Risk Valuation for Interest-rate Products: Impact of volatilities and correlations by Damiano Brigo of Imperial College & Fitch Solutions, Andrea Pallavicini of Banca Leonardo, and Vasileios Papatheodorou of Fitch Solutions (451K PDF) -- 23 pages -- February 3, 2010 Bilateral Counterparty Risk Valuation with Stochastic Dynamical Models and Application to Credit Default Swaps by Damiano Brigo of Imperial College & FitchSolutions, Agostino Capponi of the California Institute of Technology (371K PDF) -- 32 pages -- November 18, 2009 Charting a Course Through the CDS Big Bang by Johan Beumee of FitchSolutions, Damiano Brigo of FitchSolutions, Gareth Stoyle of FitchSolutions, and Daniel Schiemert of FitchSolutions (110K PDF) -- 13 pages -- April 7, 2009 An Exact Formula for Default Swaptions' Pricing in the SSRJD Stochastic Intensity Model by Damiano Brigo of Fitch Solutions & Imperial College, and Naoufel El-Bachir of the University of Reading (424K PDF) -- 22 pages -- December 22, 2008 Counterparty Risk for Credit Default Swaps: Impact of spread volatility and default correlation by Damiano Brigo of FitchSolutions & Imperial College, and Kyriakos Chourdakis of FitchSolutions & University of Essex (213K PDF) -- 19 pages -- October 3, 2008 Counterparty Risk Valuation for Energy-commodities Swaps: Impact of volatilities and correlation by Damiano Brigo of FitchSolutions & Imperial College, Kyriakos Chourdakis of FitchSolutions & University of Essex, and Imane Bakkar of FitchSolutions (345K PDF) -- 21 pages -- June 24, 2008 Arbitrage-free Pricing of Credit Index Options: The no-armageddon pricing measure and the role of correlation after the subprime crisis by Massimo Morini of Banca IMI & Bocconi University, and Damiano Brigo of Fitch Solutions (295K PDF) -- 25 pages -- December 2007 Credit Derivatives Pricing with a Smile-Extended Jump Stochastic Intensity Model by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Naoufel El-Bachir of the University of Reading (655K PDF) -- 22 pages -- December 5, 2006 Inflation Indexed Credit Default Swaps by Marco Avogaro of Bocconi University & Banca IMI, and Damiano Brigo of Bocconi University & Banca IMI (437K PDF) -- 52 pages -- June 30, 2006 A Dynamic Programming Approach for Pricing CDS and CDS Options by Hatem Ben-Ameur of HEC Montréal, Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Eymen Errais of Stanford University (230K PDF) -- 22 pages -- March 18, 2006 CDS Calibration with Tractable Structural Models Under Uncertain Credit Quality by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Massimo Morini of the Università di Milano - Bicocca (213K PDF) -- 13 pages -- November 2005 CDS Market Formulas and Models by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Massimo Morini of the Università di Milano - Bicocca (264K PDF) -- 28 pages -- September 2005 Credit Default Swap Calibration and Counterparty Risk Valuation with a Scenario based First Passage Model by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Marco Tarenghi of Banca IMI (226K PDF) -- 22 pages -- April 29, 2005 Credit Default Swap Calibration and Equity Swap Valuation under Counterparty Risk with a Tractable Structural Model by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Marco Tarenghi of Banca IMI (331K PDF) -- 36 pages -- March 8, 2005 Constant Maturity Credit Default Swap Pricing with Market Models by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI (244K PDF) -- 24 pages -- March 2, 2005 Candidate Market Models and the Calibrated CIR++ Stochastic Intensity Model for Credit Default Swap Options and Callable Floaters by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI (304K PDF) -- 35 pages -- March 2005 The Stochastic Intensity SSRD Model Implied Volatility Patterns for Credit Default Swap Options and the Impact of Correlation by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Laurent Cousot of Courant Institute (257K PDF) -- 28 pages -- September 12, 2004 Credit Default Swap Calibration and Derivatives Pricing with the SSRD Stochastic Intensity Model by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Aurélien Alfonsi of Banca IMI (291K PDF) -- 27 pages -- February 18, 2004 Collateralized Debt Obligations Credit Models and the Crisis, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the CDOs by Damiano Brigo of Imperial College, Andrea Pallavicini of Banca Leonardo, and Roberto Torresetti of BBVA (2,098K PDF) -- 66 pages -- January 12, 2010 Implied Expected Tranched Loss Surface from CDO Data by Roberto Torresetti of Banca IMI, Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI (677K PDF) -- 13 pages -- May 8, 2007 Calibration of CDO Tranches with the Dynamical Generalized-Poisson Loss Model by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI, and Roberto Torresetti of Banca IMI (299K PDF) -- 35 pages -- May 3, 2007 Risk Neutral versus Objective Loss Distribution and CDO Tranches Valuation by Roberto Torresetti of Banca IMI, Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI (213K PDF) -- 13 pages -- April 13, 2007 Implied Correlation in CDO Tranches: A Paradigm To Be Handled with Care by Roberto Torresetti of Banca IMI, Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI (119K PDF) -- 9 pages -- November 22, 2006 A Correlation Bridge between Structural Models and Reduced Form Models for Multiname Credit Derivatives by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, and Eymen Errais of Stanford University (238K PDF) -- 21 pages -- June 3, 2005 Credit Correlation Consistent Single- and Multi-step Sampling of Multivariate Arrival Times: A characterization of self-chaining copulas by Damiano Brigo of King's College, London, and Kyriakos Chourdakis of King's College, London (215K PDF) -- 23 pages -- May 1, 2012 New Families of Copulas Based on Periodic Functions by Aurélien Alfonsi of Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, and Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI (162K PDF) -- 17 pages -- December 19, 2005 Liquidity Liquidity-adjusted Market Risk Measures with Stochastic Holding Period by Damiano Brigo of King's College, London, and Claudio Nordio of Banco Popolare, Milan (227K PDF) -- 11 pages -- October 20, 2010 Credit Default Swaps Liquidity Modeling: A survey by Damiano Brigo of Imperial College, Mirela Predescu of Lloyds TSB, and Agostino Capponi of the California Institute of Technology (436K PDF) -- 36 pages -- March 20, 2010 Quantitative Methods A Stochastic Processes Toolkit for Risk Management by Damiano Brigo of FitchSolutions, Antonio Dalessandro of FitchSolutions, Matthias Neugebauer of FitchSolutions, and Fares Triki of FitchSolutions (2,995K PDF) -- 43 pages -- November 15, 2007 Other Credit CoCo Bonds Valuation with Equity- and Credit-Calibrated First Passage Structural Models by Damiano Brigo of Imperial College, London, João Garcia - Independent Consultant, UK, and Nicola Pede of Imperial College, London (329K PDF) -- 29 pages -- February 28, 2013 Interest-Rate Modelling in Collateralized Markets: Multiple curves, credit-liquidity effects, CCPs by Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI, Milan, and Damiano Brigo of Imperial College, London (286K PDF) -- 25 pages -- April 5, 2013 Funding, Collateral and Hedging: Uncovering the mechanics and the subtleties of funding valuation adjustments by Andrea Pallavicini of Banca IMI, Milan, Daniele Perini of Mediobanca, Milan, and Damiano Brigo of Imperial College, London (422K PDF) -- 38 pages -- December 13, 2012 Counterparty Risk FAQ: Credit VaR, PFE, CVA, DVA, Closeout, Netting, Collateral, Re-hypothecation, WWR, Basel, Funding, CCDS and Margin Lending by Damiano Brigo of King's College, London (402K PDF) -- 47 pages -- November 8, 2011 A Formula for Interest Rate Swaps Valuation under Counterparty Risk in presence of Netting Agreements by Damiano Brigo of Banca IMI, Massimo Masetti of Banca IMI (264K PDF) -- 31 pages -- May 4, 2005 Books & Book Chapters: | Counterparty Credit Risk and Hybrid Models: Interest Rates, Commodities, Equity and FX Damiano Brigo, Massimo Morini, & Andrea Pallavicini, Wiley, December 4, 2012, Hardcover, 256 pages | | Credit Risk Frontiers: Subprime Crisis, Pricing and Hedging, CVA, MBS, Ratings, and Liquidity Tomasz Bielecki, Damiano Brigo, Frederic Patras Bloomberg Press, (February 8, 2011), Hardcover, 754 pages | | Credit Models and the Crisis: A Journey into CDOs, Copulas, Correlations and Dynamic Models Damiano Brigo, Andrea Pallavicini, Roberto Torresetti Wiley, (June 15, 2010), Paperback, 176 pages | | Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance (4-Volume Set) Editor in Chief: Rama Cont Wiley, (April 26, 2010), Hardcover, 2194 pages | | Interest Rate Models -- Theory and Practice: With Smile, Inflation and Credit, 2 nd Edition by Damiano Brigo and Fabio Mercurio Springer, (May 19, 2006), Hardcover, 981 pages | | Counterparty Credit Risk Modelling: Risk Management Pricing and Regulation by Michael Pykhtin (Editor) Risk Books, (December 14, 2005), Hardcover, 399 pages | | Derivatives Trading and Option Pricing by Nicholas Dunbar (Editor) Risk Books, (March 2005), Hardcover, 415 pages |
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